As our community continues to struggle with the after-effects of Katrina, the BP oil spill, job loss, displacement and relocation, a fundamental question that most of us have struggled with is “what can I do?” Our primary response, of course, has been to put our energy into altruistic actions, rebuilding the structures in our community, and in this respect we have been blessed with an outpouring of help. It’s interesting to note that so much of this help has arrived in the form of church groups, both local and nation-wide, and it points to a reality that, for many, it is something spiritual within us that is touched when we wish to relate to each other’s needs.
It may be this same “something” that gives rise to another question: What is needed now, on a moment-to-moment basis?
This question resonates inwardly for many of us, leading us to search for practical answers through yoga, pilates, meditation, t’ai chi, contemplative prayer groups, etc. As forms of self-study, they all have the potential to help us understand ourselves individually through work with a group of people who share a common interest.